10 Ways to Optimize Healthcare Recruiting and On-Boarding Processes: A PreCheck White Paper


Healthcare organizations often face challenges when recruiting and on-boarding new employees because of the amount of effort and paperwork involved. The 2014 B. E. Smith survey of more than 300 healthcare executives shows that administrative efficiency and agility are at absolute premiums. There are ways to make it easier, though, starting by laying the groundwork for a successful process even before one writes the recruitment ad.

Successful recruiting and on-boarding can help set the tone for a new employee’s tenure at your organization. A difficult, confusing or un-engaging process tells new employees a lot about your organization and may make them less interested in working for you. Conversely, an engaging, efficient and responsive process keeps candidates and new employees involved and excited about becoming a part of your organization.


This white paper explains the essential elements of a solid recruiting and on-boarding process for healthcare workers and what healthcare HR leaders can do to streamline that process to make it more effective and efficient.

Preparation is essential when you’re building an effective, efficient recruiting and on-boarding process. The stakes are high; if you mishandle a step along the way, you may give a candidate a bad impression of your organization, dampen a new employee’s enthusiasm or get your organization in serious legal trouble.

Getting key stakeholders involved, using technology to streamline the process and reduce paperwork, relying on trusted partners for help, and staying engaged with prospective employees as you recruit, hire and onboard them can help ensure each employee’s success at your organization. Put together a comprehensive plan in advance, so everyone involved will know how to approach each step in your recruiting and on-boarding processes. Doing so will ensure you bring on top talent that will fit into your organization and will be happy to work there.

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